modified : pxe options hidden by default modified : altfilename hidden by default fixed : form no more stays on top fixed : form position is default fixed : auto add character '/' when requesteddocument is a folder fixed : bug in tftpd daemon : blksize was not handled when tsize was set. would not affect all clients, but would affect wds modified : change of name for Tiny PXE Server added : binl active if at least one of the binl fields is field (wdsnbp.com will query a new boot file name and bcd file name (option 252)) added : BINL checkbox (will actually enable proxy dhcp on udp:4011) added : support for NCQ requests, will send back NCR answers with correct driver details : enabling RIS/XP network installation fixed : in dhcp, answer.flags=query.flags now added : more debugging fixed : random timeouts on tftp. oack return moved to thread.execute rather than thread.create added : will use datas from config.ini, if any (see sample) added : auto start of services possible added : about box added : forms will remember last top/left position fixed : working/current directory added : dns server (will send back A/PTR records only, use the windows hosts file to add records) added : can use @mac or @ip in the filename to send back the requester mac or ip as part of the filename/path added : ability to filter (inclusive) mac addresses added : quick and dirty faq that will evolve as it goes added : proxydhcp option in the gui added : proxydhcp option in config.ini modified : cleaner log added : verbose option in config.ini fixed (again) : unicast/broadcast will match the query added : log option in config.ini to log to a file added : option (smb) in config.ini to create auto a windows share named PXE pointing to boot folder fixed : in proxydhcp mode, will not send a dhcp_offer if query is not coming from a PXEClient fixed: remoteport=4011 when srcport=4011 -> was preventing some ipxe client to boot (uefi for exemple) changed: opt60='' by default when using opt67 (was 'PXEClient' before) -> was preventing ipxe client to boot with opt67 changed: opt60='PXEClient' when proxydhcp=1 (was hardcoded before) -> more flexible fixed: xid is now displayed correctly -> was reversed order fixed: was sending an empty boot filename in proxydhcp in the dhcp_offer stage -> removed, was preventing proxydhcp+opt67 changed: bind=true by default when multiple interfaces detected -> was preventing pxe boot with multiple interfaces when bind=false fixed : should detect if a socket is already in use fixed : messages sent from threads would not always reach the memo box added : will execute an executable/batch if cmd parameter is present in config.ini fixed : httpd will now handle both non keep-alive (default) and keep-alive http requests fixed : would create crashes (under certain conditions) if the root path was incorrect fixed : would not start tftpd if not set in config.ini added : support for dhcp-relay (handle giaddr) added : opt252 in config file added : @arch variable can be used in the altfilename (next to @mac and @ip). 00000 = bios, 00006=efi32, etc ... see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4578.txt fixed : tftpd will also bind if option is checked modified : if the root folder in config.ini is incorrect, it will be set to the exe current directory modified : if the filename cannot be resolved (like when using @arch or @mac), it will not prevent execution modified : tftp will display the full path (within root) for a file request added : @arch will also be used in opt252 fixed : opt67 in the config.ini would not set the root folder added : [arch] section in config.ini optional, applies to filename and opt67. ex values -> 00006=bootia32.efi, 00007=bootx64.efi, etc ... added : support for nics.txt for BINL (overule the inf parsing) fixed : opt13 was incorrect when loading a filename thru config.ini fixed : opt13 was incorrect when using arch=00007/00006 fixed : when using opt67, would crash if [arch] section was missing added : can re load settings from config.ini added : can save settings to config.ini added : smb checkbox fixed : httpd uses fmShareDenyWrite to allow multiple i/o to one file added : sent bootp packet will be word aligned added : will replace \0 by null char for opt60,66,67 (some pxe clients require a null terminated string there) added : attempt to support rfc951 = boot request will be handled as dhcp request (rfc951=1 in config.ini) added : no_hostname=1 in config.ini to skip the server hostname field changed : if opt54='' then skip in makebootp_vend (useless?) added : no_opt13=1 in config.ini to skip option 13 changed : opt53 skipped if bootp request (i.e not a dhcp request) to be compatible with bootp clients added : root can be an http url (netboot for debian, ubuntu, ...) fixed : stream.free on udp transfer complete added : can log to a syslog server (add syslog=host in config.ini) fixed : non critical udp socket errors would stop the dhcp daemon added : in analysedata, will exit loop as soon as a dhcp message is found added : in analysedata, will prevent (byte)offset>255 added : offline button will terminatethread if still active (53,67,4011) fixed : no more high cpu usage on random occasions added : new options skip_dhcp_inform & skip_dhcp_discarded added : forcerenew dhcp messages logged added : new option wsMinimized in config.ini to start the app minimized fixed : @mac,@ip,@arch added to dhcp_offer (was only dhcp_ack before) fixed : pool start correct when opt54 set in ini file todo : send arch in dhcp offer added : @opt54 variable next to @mac,@ip,@arch -> similar to ${next-server} in ipxe fixed : next server passed to send_dhcpoffer and send_dhcpack added : will add a scrollbar when active monitor height <=600 added : vscroll=1 in config.ini will force a vertical scrollbar fixed : option 6 dns server was wrong when choosing a different NIC added : arch will be taken into account in the dhcp offer as well fixed : tftpd can be disabled again in config.ini added : will select the active nic in the opt54 combo box modified : 2 more fields hidden and moved to the advanced part of the form fixed : log to file is disabled added : a syslog server is included in the zip file (syslog= in the config.ini) modified : dns proxy will read entries from config.ini (section=hostname,ident=ip), no more from hosts file added : right click open config.ini added : right click open root_path fixed : share folder will now add everyone read-only on share permissions added : share is created with STYPE_TEMPORARY flag, i.e will not survive a reboot added : TPS will answer to specific 'discovery' messages (see discover.zip) fixed : wsMinimized=1 was preventing form_show and load_config added : each daemon will report on which ip it is listening (useful to troubleshoot) added : syslogd will read ip under [syslog] in config.ini if one wants to bind to a specific interface (instead of by default) fixed : error handling in log_memo to avoid a possible date bug fixed : httpd could not list files/folder in a non indexed folder modified : ucimp.pas uses winsock, not wsck modified : iphlpapi_helper.pas uses winsock, not wsck modified : usnoop uses winsock, not wsck modified : iptypes uses winsock, not wsck modified : removed ipheader unit in main form modified : TPS does not use wsck unit anymore added : CTRL+R to refresh interfaces added : [map] section, before=after