################################################################ Language : English Credits : Nguyễn Tứ (www.sitecuatui.com) Date : 06.12.2016 Info : Please do not add, delete or move the line, do not remove "%s". If you want to submit your own or have any questions, do not forget to send an email to admin@aioboot.com. Thank for help! ################################################################ ##### BEGIN ##### English Main Integration About Bootloaders Run PXE Settings Tools MENU Editor Help Current Disk: Disk Name Type Size Current Drive: Drive Label FileSystem Removable media Fixed media RAM disk Unknow AIO Boot is an All-in-One bootable software for USB and HDD. Is one of the best Multiboot USB Creator for Windows. Don't forget to contact the author if you have any questions, email admin@aioboot.com. I would love to hear from you so that I can improve this tool better. Name Version Homepage Copyright 1. Select Pack 2. Select File Download OK Please select the file on your drive... Select ISO file or WIM file on your drive... Select ISO file on your drive... Mount ISO file, then select "I386/TXTSETUP.SIF" or "AMD64/TXTSETUP.SIF"... Please select a valid file! Filename can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters , numbers ) and . Please rename the file and try again! Files larger than 4GB can NOT be stored on a FAT32 volume.%sFormatting the partition as exFAT or NTFS will resolve this issue. Processing, please wait... Do not close this window until this is done! Could not detect this file! Error, please contact the author for support! Error: Please close the application you are using to read BCD/WinLegacy file and try again! Error: Please close the application you are using to read %s file and try again! Invalid file! Error: The remaining space is insufficient! Done. Happy booting! Error Warning Information Confirm Copying Copying the required files... Extracting Checking file, please wait... Please enter the name of the menu Adding menu... Preparing files... Please close Regedit.exe to continue! Cancel Continue Cleaning up, please wait... Because the size of the file does not allow stored on a FAT32 partition.%sWe will split this file, do you agree? Splitting Yes No The selected disk is of the GPT partition style. You need to copy the folder "EFI" to a partition is formatted in "FAT32" or "FAT16". The selected disk is of the GPT partition style. Only Grub2, rEFInd and Clover are supported. Currently we do not support this device! has been installed... is already installed... %s has not been installed. %s requires that %s must be installed.%sDo you want to install Grub2 right away? Please select the drive where you installed the latest Windows version. If possible, try this feature on Windows 7 or newer version to get the best support. Did not find the System partition. has been restored. Have not found any drive that Windows is installed in %s mode. You need to reformat the drive to be able to install Syslinux. Please format the drive to FAT32 or NTFS. Please select the partition that you have installed Windows in Legacy BIOS mode. Please select the partition that you have installed Windows in UEFI mode. Please boot in UEFI mode and try again. You are using the latest version! We have a new version that you can update right now.%sVersion %s, released on %s.%sDo you want to close this application and update now? Currently, there is no MENU to be able to edit. Remove? Name of MENU Save after you've edited. Deleting files... Saved Update Default File Only Clover will also be installed for Legacy mode Please select the partition to install Grub2, Clover and rEFInd for UEFI mode. You need to download the latest version of AIO Boot and repartition this disk to continue. GPT-style hard disk only support UEFI mode.%sIf you only use UEFI mode, you do not need to do anything right now. To support Grub2, Clover, rEFInd and UEFI Shell in UEFI mode, you need to create a partition in FAT32 or FAT16 format on this hard disk. You can use DiskPart or GParted to create new partition.%sPlease try again after you have created a new partition. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style. We need to copy the folder "EFI" into "EFI System Partition (ESP)". Do you want to do it right now? %s: You will boot directly into Grub2 every time you turn on the computer.%s: You need to select the files "/EFI/Grub2/bootx64.efi" to boot into Grub2. To support Legacy BIOS mode on a hard drive in GPT style. We need to dedicate a new partition. 1. This partition size as small as possible. Approximately 1MB or larger but not larger than 10MB.%s2. All data in this partition will be lost. Therefore, you need to create a new partition. Please continue after you have created this partition as required. My computer has 32-bit UEFI firmware. Don't ask me enter Name of MENU. No need to verify the file. Configure PXE Boot for UEFI mode. Set Here is the list of languages that Grub2 is supported. What is your language? Please select an item in the drop-down list Your settings have been saved! Please format this Drive to FAT32.%sOr install Grub2 and select the option to install Clover. Install Bootloader Restore Windows Bootloader Tiny PXE Server is running, please close it if you want to rerun! UEFI or Legacy mode? Please select 32-bit or 64-bit version Windows only All others WinPE Required Please follow the steps below first:%s1. Download "boot%s.wim".%s2. Copy it to "%s\AIO\WinPXE\sources\".%sYou can download it from here: Secure Boot is on. This may prevent booting to non-Windows operating systems. Please disable this option in BIOS. Grub2 Language Font Size Small Large Create a new password for Grub2. Create New Change or remove Grub2 password. Remove Will you create a new password or remove it? New Username New Password Value must not contain spaces at the beginning or the end. The Username must contain only [A-Z] characters, digits [0-9] and space ['' '']. New username and password have been created. Uninstall Make sure your computer is booted without using the AIO Boot's Grub2. If your computer can only boot through the AIO Boot's Grub2, uninstalling will cause your computer to fail to boot.%sTo restore the Windows boot loader, please use the Bootloaders button or use the DVD.%sClick Continue when you are able to boot into the operating system without using Grub2 of AIO Boot. Splitting the file Extracting the file Updating files Adding additional files Canceling Cancelled Deleted Auto Detect Others Special Pack Could not detect this file, please select a package listed in the list! This operating system supports persistent mode.%sThis means that your data will be saved after each session.%sThe speed of the operating system depends on the read and write speed of the hard drive.%sWould you like to create a 4Gb file for persistent mode? This operating system supports persistent mode.%sThis means that your data will be saved after each session.%sThe speed of the operating system depends on the read and write speed of the hard drive.%sWe will create a file of size corresponding to the data you want to save. Grub2 Background Sincerely thanks to:--All these users are using this tool.--Google.--GNU (Grub2 Development Team).--Development Team of Clover, rEFInd, Grub4dos and Syslinux.--Authors of 7-Zip, Tiny PXE Server, FreeNFS, ImDisk, BOOTICE, mkisofs, wget, wimlib, Easy2Boot, GrubFM and WinSetupFromUSB.--Translators of languages: Denis Cojocaru (Russian and Romanian), Stoian Bahchevanski (Bulgarian), Pascal BIMAS Perso (French), Erhan Kultur, Murat ATICI, Tayfun Akkoyun (Turkish), Michał Smajdor, Andrzej Gicala (Polish), Alessandro Santini (Italian), Txema, Alacran (Spanish), Frettt (German), Tenhon (Traditional Chinese), CloverGit, Sun Wei (Simplified Chinese), Hanuware (Korean), Renato "donalld" Pejon (Português do Brasil), thamer mousa (Arabic), Ida Bagus Anom Sanjaya (Indonesia) Daniel Dybing (Norwegian), VenusGirl (한국어), Tofiq (Azerbaijani). Partitions Manage Size in MB Input file Output file Click here to select the ISO file on your drive... Click here to choose where you will save the ".IMG" file on your drive... Create This file is empty. Unable to obtain information of this file. Maybe this file will not be supported for boot. Do you want to continue? Please enter a size for the file you want to create. Please enter a label for the file you want to create. The output file already exists, would you like to replace this file? Please enter a size that is at least %s. The free space on the %s drive is not enough. The %s drive is formatted as FAT32, it can only store files up to 4GB in size. ImDisk is not installed, do you want to install ImDisk right now? ImDisk was not installed. Creating and mounting file... Extracting ISO file... Updating configuration files... The size of the IMG file is not enough, please increase it to about %s and try again. Could not set Label for IMG file. Unable to unmount %s, please do this manually.%sThen delete the IMG file where you chose. Mount ISO, then select the sources\install.wim file on that drive... Click here to select the sources\install.wim file in your drive... Click here to choose where you will save the ".VHD" file on your drive... Only support Windows 7 and later. Creating and mounting VHD file... Applying image... Unmounting VHD file... Could not create and mount VHD file. Can not apply image to VHD partition. The size of the VHD file is not enough, please increase it and try again. Could not unmount %s drive, please do this manually.%sThen delete the VHD file where you chose. Choose version Please extract all "sources\*.wim" files and integrate them in "WinPE 7/8.1/10". Integrate this package as a WinPE? Please extract all files to the root directory of your USB or Hard drive first!%sSee the home page for more information. Custom Creating Can not create file larger than 4GB on FAT32 partition. Install Grub4Dos as Default Boot Loader?%sYou should only install Grub4Dos if Grub2 is not compatible on your machine or just for testing.%sUse Grub2 to fully support the feature. Default bootloader in UEFI mode Only support ReactOS LiveCD. Check out the home page for how to integrate ReactOS Setup. Create ISO Please select where to save the ISO file. Blog: https://www.aioboot.com. Please select mode Test BOOT [QEMU] Want to test this Drive or ISO file? This Drive ISO file Memory (MB) Please enter a valid positive number. Please enter a memory larger than 0 and less than %sMB. We will copy the QEMU files to the %s\QEMU directory. Do you agree? Would you like to test this ISO file? Extract WIM for Windows Setup. Repack Windows ISO file. Repacking ISO file Downloading update It looks like this ISO file uses the ISOLINUX bootloader. It does not support NTFS format in this case.%sTo support booting in Legacy mode, please use the FAT32 format.%sDo you want to continue? Maybe this operating system supports persistent mode.%sThis means that your data will be saved after each session.%sDo you want to enable this mode? This VHD file is installed with 64-bit or 32-bit operating system? Don't integrate USB 3.0 Driver for Windows 7. Don't ask again See instructions Please close all applications running on drive %s before updating. To save disk space, we will move this file instead of copying it. Do you agree? Install Grub2 [Legacy] Please note that you should reinstall Grub2 every time you defragment on this drive. You can only integrate one version for this package. Click the Menu Editor button to delete the current version and re-integrate it. Or use the Partition Image Mapper. The free space left on this drive is not enough. Access is denied. Try disabling the antivirus software and try again. Grub2 Font ##### END #####